The fifth days of the network Médici from 7 till 9 April 2014- Strasbourg

Public academic publishing in Europe: targeting 2020

Strasbourg, 7-9 April 2014


Providing strategic and practical input on academic publishing and its professional aspects in a European context is the aim of the Fifth Meeting of public sector academic publishing professionals organised by the Medici network.


Any publishing entity in France has a number of functions to fulfil, i.e. text editing, production, distribution and promotion. Additionally, public academic publishers have to meet further requirements: managing peer-reviewing and complying with the financial and accounting regulations of the civil service.


Public academic publishing in France is in need of a dialogue on the various practices and strategies in European countries. This feedback will orient French publishing towards a high value-added approach in the production of published materials as part of the European research environment, where Open Access is a target for all publically-funded research output in 2020.

Proposed talks should provide insight into the diverse publishing mechanisms with a particular focus on the following topics:

  • The way academic publishing works institutionally according to the language and country of publication ;
  • Business models, average article/book price, public subsidies;
  • Applicable national legislations and their impacts on the commercial distribution of books and articles (e.g. single price policy for books in France) ;
  • Publishing policies: is peer-reviewing standard practice? Is independent quality assessment possible?
  • Publishing frequency, evaluation timelines and discipline-based distribution timelines?
  • Copyright and intellectual property protection, changes in legislation in IPP in line with Open Access,
  • Open access: what are the key strategic and practical elements to enforce the EU policy and achieve Horizon 2020?
  • Use of academic indexes and metrics, quantitative evaluation of publications: why are such tools so criticised while being so extensively used?
  • Use of tools like Google scholar, Scopus, etc.


The above list is not intended to be exhaustive. All other topics shall be considered.



Your travels and hosting must be taken care by your Institution.

Your registration will thus be validated after the confirmation of your institution in question of your coverage.

See also: practical Information

Attention: the preregistrations end on March 10th and in waiting list until March 20th.



Monday, April 7th, 2014

13h30   Welcome to participants - Registration

14h00   Discours d'ouverture

 15h45   Conférence d'ouverture  : H2020, The Europe and The public scientific publishing 

 Table ronde  : "The public scientific publishing in Europe: objective 2020? European comparison of the editorial practices

Chair : Daniel Spichtinger,  Commission Européenne, DG Research & Innovation Unité A.6 « Science policy, foresight and data »(sous réserve)

Discutants : 

María José Rodríguez Sánchez de León, Presses universitaires de Salamanca (Spain).

Delfim Ferreira Leão, Presses Universitaires de Cimbra (Portugal).

Katy Christomanou, Cambridge University Press. (England) (sous réserve). 

19h30  Lunch reception

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

 8h30 Welcome to participants

 9h-12h TRAINNING (level 1)*

1 · Business plan

2 · Set up a projected operating account by title

3 · Edit in several languages - code typo compared (French/English)

4 · Value his international fund(collection)

5 · Training GREP And InDesign

6 · Trainning  " Writing and scientific communication "

  • Note : the participants can follow two different trainnings (according to their appropriate level) is to participate a whole day in the same theme to deepen the training. 

12h15 Poster Session

12h30 Lunch

•     14h‐17h TRAINNING (level 2)*

1 · Business plan

2 · Set up a projected operating account by title

3 · Edit in several languages - code typo compared (French/English)

4 · Value his international fund(collection)

5 · Training GREP And InDesign

6 · Trainning  " Writing and scientific communication "

Note : the participants can follow two different trainnings (according to their appropriate level) is to participate a whole day in the same theme to deepen the training

17h30‐18h30  General assembly of the network

19h Cultural Visit of the city

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

 8h30 Welcome participants and presentation of new steering commitee to 2014-2018 of


9h‐9h40 : Scientific journals in central and eastern Europe. Adoption of new models
Cirac Stéphanie CERCEC : Secrétaire de Rédaction à la revue revue d'études comparatives Est Ouest

 9h45‐10h25 : Bibliometrics in the humanities. An alternative approach through the International Medieval Bibliography
Chris Vandenborre; Publishing Manager, Begijnhof, Brepols, Belgique

 10h25-10h45  Coffe Break

10h45 -11h25 : Episciences IAM (Informatics and Applied Mathematics) : un projet éditorial entre rupture et continuité,
Gaelle Riverieux, INRIA

11h30-12h 10 : The difficult commercial policy of a scientific public publisher
Catherine Thiolon, INRA

12h15-12h25 : Free access to the results of the research: current situation of the implementation of the recommendation of the EC in 28 countries of the EU, the French situation and the national strategy for the application of Horizon 2020
Lomazzi Lisiane, CNAM

 12h30-13h00 Conclusion

13h15-13h20 Closing days






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Réseau Médici

Contact organisation :

Carole Le Cloïérec


2 rue de la Charité
13236 Marseille cedex
Fax : + 33 4 91 14 07 54

Online user: 1