
Monday, April 7th, 2014

13h30   Welcome to participants - Registration

14h00       Opening speech 

15h45   Openning Conference  : H2020, The Europe and The public scientific publishing 

 Table ronde  : "The public scientific publishing in Europe: objective 2020?
European comparison of the editorial practices

Chair : -with reservation-

Discutants : 

María José Rodríguez Sánchez de León, Presses universitaires de Salamanca (Spain)

Delfim Ferreira Leão, Presses Universitaires de Cimbra (Portugal).

Katy Christomanou, Cambridge University Press. (England) -with reservation-

19h30  Lunch reception


Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

 8h30 Welcome to participants

 9h-12h TRAINNING (level 1)*

· Make an effective promotional plan with zero cost; business plan

· Set up a projected operating account by title

· Digitize an editorial collection  (the sizes, the semantic enrichment, obtain subsidies);

· Edit in several languages - code typo compared (French/English)

· Value his international fund(collection)

· Training GREP And InDesign

· Trainning  " Writing and scientific communication "

  • Note : the participants can follow two different trainnings
    (according to their appropriate level) is to participate a whole day
    in the same theme to deepen the training. 

12h15 Poster Session

12h30 Lunch

14h‐17h TRAINNING (level 2)*

Make an effective promotional plan with zero cost; business plan

· Set up a projected operating account by title

· Digitize an editorial collection  (the sizes, the semantic enrichment, obtain subsidies);

· Edit in several languages - code typo compared (French/English)

· Value his international fund(collection)

· Training GREP And InDesign

· Trainning  " Writing and scientific communication "

Note : the participants can follow two different trainnings
(according to their appropriate level) is to participate a whole day
in the same theme to deepen the training

17h30‐18h30  General assembly of the network

19h Cultural Visit of the city


Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

8h30 Welcome participants and presentation of new steering commitee to 2014-2018 


9h‐9h40 : Scientific journals in central and eastern Europe. Adoption of new models
Cirac Stéphanie CERCEC : Secrétaire de Rédaction à la revue revue d'études comparatives Est Ouest

 9h45‐10h25 : Bibliometrics in the humanities. An alternative approach through the International Medieval Bibliography
Chris Vandenborre; Publishing Manager, Begijnhof, Brepols, Belgique

10h25-10h45  Coffe Break

10h45 -11h25 : Episciences IAM (Informatics and Applied Mathematics) : un projet éditorial entre rupture et continuité,
Gaelle Riverieux, INRIA

11h30-12h 10 : The difficult commercial policy of a scientific public publisher
Catherine Thiolon, INRA

12h15-12h25 : Free access to the results of the research: current situation of the implementation of the recommendation of the EC in 28 countries of the EU, the French situation and the national strategy for the application of Horizon 2020
Lomazzi Lisiane, CNAM

12h30-13h00 Conclusion

13h15-13h20 End of days


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